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School Performance Profile

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In November of 2018, the Pennsylvania Department of Education replaced the Pennsylvania School Performance Profile (SPP) and released the Future Ready PA Index, a one-stop shop for comprehensive information on student and school success.

The tool moves beyond a single, summative score to increase transparency around school and student group performance – it features a dashboard approach to present data and information. The Future Ready PA Index illustrates student and school success via three color-coded categories: academic performance, student progress, and college and career readiness, providing you with a more comprehensive look at how we are educating our learners.

The dashboard is easy to navigate - searchable by district, school, career and technical center, or location; and includes basic information and demographic data for each school.

To view the Future Ready PA Index Performance Profile for Blue Ball Elementary click here:

Future Ready Index PA - Garden Spot Middle School Report Card 

For more information about the Future Ready PA Index visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education website here: PDE - Future Ready Index PA